import base64 from "base-64";
import debug from "debug";
import {shortHash} from "@nqminds/nqm-core-utils";
import {
fetchWithDeadline as fetch,
} from "./helpers";
// Default 'debug' module output to STDOUT rather than STDERR.
debug.log = console.log.bind(console); // eslint-disable-line no-console
const log = debug("nqm-api-tdx");
const errLog = debug("nqm-api-tdx:error");
* @typedef {object} CommandResult
* @property {string} commandId - The auto-generated unique id of the command.
* @property {object|string} response - The response of the command. If a command is sent asynchronously, this will
* simply be the string `"ack"`. In synchronous mode, this will usually be an object consisting of the primary key
* of the data that was affected by the command.
* @property {object} result - Contains success flag and detailed error information when available.
* @property {array} result.errors - Will contain error information when appropriate.
* @property {array} result.ok - Contains details of each successfully commited document.
* @typedef {object} DatasetData
* @property {object} metaData - The dataset metadata (see `nqmMeta` option in `getDatasetData`).
* @property {string} metaDataUrl - The URL to the dataset metadata (see `nqmMeta` option in `getDatasetData`.
* @property {object[]} data - The dataset documents.
* @typedef {object} Resource
* @property {string} description
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} name
* @property {string[]} parents
* @property {object} schemaDefinition
* @property {string[]} tags
* @typedef {object} ResourceAccess
* @property {string} aid - account id that is the subject of this access
* @property {string} by - comma-delimited list of attribution for this access
* @property {string} rid - resource id to which this access refers
* @property {string} grp - indicates the share mode (user groups only)
* @property {string} own - account that owns the resource
* @property {string[]} par - the parent(s) of the resource
* @property {string} typ - the base type of the resource
* @property {string[]} r - array of resource ids that are the source of read access (e.g. parent)
* @property {string[]} w - array of resource ids that are the source of write access
* @typedef {object} Zone
* @property {string} accountType
* @property {string} displayName
* @property {string} username
* @typedef {object} GetDataOptions A mongodb options object.
* Can be used to limit, skip, sort etc. Note a default
* `limit` of 1000 is applied if none is given here.
* @property {boolean} [nqmMeta] - When set, the resource metadata will be returned along with the dataset
* data. Can be used to avoid a second call to `getResource`. Otherwise a URL to the metadata is provided.
* @property {number} [limit] - Limit, the number of entries to get.
* @property {number} [skip] - Skip, the number of entries to skip.
* Prefer to use filters if possible, instead of large skips, as they are slow
* on the TDX.
* @property {object} [sort] - MongoDB Sort object.
* See <> for
* more information.
class TDXApi {
* Create a TDXApi instance
* @param {object} config - the TDX configuration for the remote TDX
* @param {string} [config.tdxServer] - the URL of the TDX auth server, e.g. Usually this
* is the only host parameter needed, as long as the target TDX conforms to the standard service naming conventions
* e.g. https://[service].[tdx-domain].com. In this case the individual service hosts can be derived from the tdxHost
* name. Optionally, you can specify each individual service host (see below). Note you only need to provide the host
* for services you intend to use. For example, if you only need query services, just provide the query host.
* @param {string} [config.commandServer] - the URL of the TDX command service, e.g.
* @param {string} [config.queryServer] - the URL of the TDX query service, e.g.
* @param {string} [config.databotServer] - the URL of the TDX databot service, e.g.
* @param {string} [config.accessToken] - an access token that will be used to authorise commands and queries.
* Alternatively you can use the authenticate method to acquire a token.
* @param {number} [config.accessTokenTTL] - the TTL in seconds of the access token created when authenticating.
* @param {boolean} [config.doNotThrow] - set to prevent throwing response errors. They will be returned in the
* {@link CommandResult} object. This was set by default prior to 0.5.x
* @example <caption>standard usage</caption>
* import TDXApi from "nqm-api-tdx";
* const api = new TDXApi({tdxServer: ""});
constructor(config) {
this.config = Object.assign({}, config);
this.accessToken = config.accessToken || config.authToken || "";
* Authenticates with the TDX, acquiring an authorisation token.
* @param {string} id - the account id, or a pre-formed credentials string, e.g. "DKJG8dfg:letmein"
* @param {string} secret - the account secret
* @param {number} [ttl=3600] - the Time-To-Live of the token in seconds, default is 1 hour. Will default to
* config.accessTokenTTL if not given here.
* @return {string} The access token.
* @exception Will throw if credentials are invalid or there is a network error contacting the TDX.
* @example <caption>authenticate using a share key and secret</caption>
* tdxApi.authenticate("DKJG8dfg", "letmein");
* @example <caption>authenticate using custom ttl of 2 hours</caption>
* tdxApi.authenticate("DKJG8dfg", "letmein", 7200);
authenticate(id, secret, ttl, ip) {
let credentials;
if (typeof secret !== "string") {
// Assume the first argument is a pre-formed credentials string
credentials = id;
ip = ttl;
ttl = secret;
} else {
// uri-encode the username and concatenate with secret.
credentials = `${encodeURIComponent(id)}:${secret}`;
// Authorization headers must be base-64 encoded.
credentials = base64.encode(credentials);
const request =, credentials, ip, ttl);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "authenticate"))
.then((result) => {
this.accessToken = result.access_token;
return this.accessToken;
.catch((err) => {
errLog(`authenticate error: ${err.message}`);
return Promise.reject(err);
* Adds an account to the TDX. An account can be an e-mail based user account, a share key (token) account,
* a databot host, an application, or an account-set (user group).
* @param {object} options - new account options
* @param {string} options.accountType - the type of account, one of ["user", "token"]
* @param {boolean} [options.approved] - account is pre-approved (reserved for system use only)
* @param {string} [options.authService] - the authentication type, one of ["local", "oauth:google",
* "oauth:github"]. Required for user-based accounts. Ignored for non-user accounts.
* @param {string} [options.displayName] - the human-friendly display name of the account, e.g. "Toby's share key"
* @param {number} [options.expires] - a timestamp at which the account expires and will no longer be granted a
* token
* @param {string} [options.key] - the account secret. Required for all but oauth-based account types.
* @param {string} [options.owner] - the owner of the account.
* @param {boolean} [options.scratchAccess] - indicates this account can create resources in the owners scratch
* folder. Ignored for all accounts except share key (token) accounts. Is useful for databots that need to create
* intermediate or temporary resources without specifying a parent resource - if no parent resource is given
* when a resource is created and scratch access is enabled, the resource will be created in the owner's scratch
* folder.
* @param {object} [options.settings] - free-form JSON object for user data.
* @param {string} [options.username] - the username of the new account. Required for user-based accounts, and
* should be the account e-mail address. Can be omitted for non-user accounts, and will be auto-generated.
* @param {boolean} [options.verified] - account is pre-verified (reserved for system use only)
* @param {string[]} [options.whitelist] - a list of IP addresses. Tokens will only be granted if the requesting
* IP address is in this list
* @param {boolean} [wait=false] - flag indicating this method will wait for the account to be fully created before
* returning.
* @return {CommandResult}
addAccount(options, wait) {
const request =, "account/create", options);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.addAccount: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "addAccount"))
.then((result) => {
if (wait) {
return, options.username, options.verified, options.approved).then(() => {
return result;
} else {
return result;
* Adds the application/user connection resource. The authenticated token must belong to the application.
* @param {string} accountId - the account id
* @param {string} applicationId - the application id
* @param {boolean} [wait=true] - whether or not to wait for the projection to catch up.
addAccountApplicationConnection(accountId, applicationId, wait = true) {
const request =, "applicationConnection/create", {accountId});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.addAccountApplicationConnection: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "addAccountApplicationConnection"))
.then((result) => {
if (wait) {
const applicationUserId = shortHash(`${applicationId}-${accountId}`);
return, applicationUserId).then(() => {
return result;
} else {
return result;
* Set account approved status. Reserved for system use.
* @param {string} username - the full TDX identity of the account.
* @param {boolean} approved - account approved status
approveAccount(username, approved) {
const request =, "account/approve", {username, approved});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.approveAccount: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "approveAccount"));
* Delete an account
* @param {string} username - the full TDX identity of the account to delete.
deleteAccount(username) {
const request =, "account/delete", {username});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.deleteAccount: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "deleteAccount"));
* Change account secret.
* @param {string} username - the full TDX identity of the account.
* @param {string} key - the new secret
resetAccount(username, key) {
const request =, "account/reset", {username, key});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.resetAccount: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "resetAccount"));
* Updates account details. All update properties are optional. See createAccount for full details of
* each option.
* @param {string} username - the full TDX identity of the account to update.
* @param {object} options - the update options
* @param {string} [options.displayName]
* @param {string} [options.key]
* @param {boolean} [options.scratchAccess]
* @param {object} [options.settings]
* @param {string[]} [options.whitelist]
updateAccount(username, options) {
const request =, "account/update", Object.assign({username}, options));
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.updateAccount: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "addAccount"));
* Set account verified status. Reserved for system use.
* @param {string} username - the full TDX identity of the account.
* @param {boolean} approved - account verified status
verifyAccount(username, verified) {
const request =, "account/verify", {username, verified});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.verifyAccount: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "verifyAccount"));
* Adds a data exchange to the list of trusted exchanges known to the current TDX.
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.owner - the account on this TDX to which the trust relates,
* e.g. ``
* @param {string} options.targetServer - the TDX to be trusted, e.g. ``
* @param {string} options.targetOwner - the account on the target TDX that is trusted,
* e.g. ``.
addTrustedExchange(options) {
const request =, "trustedConnection/create", options);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.addTrustedExchange: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "addTrustedExchange"));
* Adds a resource to the TDX.
* @param {object} options - details of the resource to be added.
* @param {string} [options.basedOnSchema=dataset] - the id of the schema on which this resource will be based.
* @param {object} [options.derived] - definition of derived filter, implying this resource is a view on an existing
* dataset.
* @param {object} [options.derived.filter] - the (read) filter to apply, in mongodb query format,
* e.g. `{"temperature": {"$gt": 15}}` will mean that only data with a temperature value greater than 15 will be
* available in this view. The filter can be any arbitrarily complex mongodb query. Use the placeholder
* `"@@_identity_@@"` to indicate that the identity of the currently authenticated user should be substituted.
* For example, if the user `` is currently authenticated, a filter of `{"username":
* "@@_identity_@@"}` will resolve at runtime to `{"username": ""}`.
* @param {object} [options.derived.projection] - the (read) projection to apply, in mongodb projection format,
* e.g. `{"timestamp": 1, "temperature": 1}` implies only the 'timestamp' and 'temperature' properties will be
* returned.
* @param {string} [options.derived.source] - the id of the source dataset on which to apply the filters and
* projections.
* @param {object} [options.derived.writeFilter] - the write filter to apply, in mongodb query format. This
* controls what data can be written to the underlying source dataset. For example, a write filter of
* `{"temperature": {"$lt": 40}}` means that attempts to write a temperature value greater than or equal to `40`
* will fail. The filter can be any arbitrarily complex mongodb query.
* @param {object} [options.derived.writeProjection] - the write projection to apply, in mongodb projection format.
* This controls what properties can be written to the underlying dataset. For example, a write projection of
* `{"temperature": 1}` means that only the temperature field can be written, and attempts to write data to other
* properties will fail. To allow a view to create new data in the underlying dataset, the primary key fields
* must be included in the write projection.
* @param {string} [options.description] - a description for the resource.
* @param {string} [] - the requested ID of the new resource. Must be unique. Will be auto-generated if
* omitted (recommended).
* @param {string} - the name of the resource. Must be unique in the parent folder.
* @param {object} [options.meta] - a free-form object for storing metadata associated with this resource.
* @param {string} [options.parentId] - the id of the parent resource. If omitted, will default to the appropriate
* root folder based on the type of resource being created.
* @param {string} [options.provenance] - a description of the provenance of the resource. Markdown format is
* supported.
* @param {string} [options.queryProxy] - a url or IP address that will handle all queries to this resource
* @param {object} [options.schema] - optional schema definition.
* @param {string} [options.shareMode] - the share mode assigned to the new resource. One of [`"pw"`, `"pr"`,
* `"tr"`], corresponding to "public read/write", "public read/trusted write", "trusted only".
* @param {string[]} [options.tags] - a list of tags to associate with the resource.
* @param {string} [options.textContent] - the text content for the resource. Only applicable to text content based
* resources.
* @param {boolean|string} [wait=false] - indicates if the call should wait for the index to be built before it
* returns. You can pass a string here to indicate the status you want to wait for, default is 'built'.
* @example <caption>usage</caption>
* // Creates a dataset resource in the authenticated users' scratch folder. The dataset stores key/value pairs
* // where the `key` property is the primary key and the `value` property can take any JSON value.
* tdxApi.addResource({
* name: "resource #1",
* schema: {
* dataSchema: {
* key: "string",
* value: {}
* },
* uniqueIndex: {key: 1}
* }
* })
addResource(options, wait) {
const request =, "resource/create", options);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.addResource: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "addResource"))
.then((result) => {
if (wait) {
return,, wait === true ? "" : wait).then(() => {
return result;
} else {
return result;
* Adds read and/or write permission for an account to access a resource. Permission is required
* equivalent to that which is being added, e.g. adding write permission requires existing
* write access. Note access as a result of group membership is not included in determining
* permissions, in this case add the account to the group instead.
* @param {string} resourceId - The resource id
* @param {string} accountId - The account id to assign permission to
* @param {string} sourceId - The id of the resource acting as the source of the access. This
* is usually the same as the target `resourceId`, but can also be a parent resource. For example,
* if write access is granted with the sourceId set to be a parent, then if the permission is
* revoked from the parent resource it will also be revoked from this resource.
* @param {string[]} access - The access, one or more of [`"r"`, `"w"`]. Can be an array or an individual
* string.
* @example <caption>add access to an account</caption>
* tdxApi.addResourceAccess(myResourceId, "", myResourceId, ["r"]);
addResourceAccess(resourceId, accountId, sourceId, access) {
const request =, "resourceAccess/add", {
rid: resourceId,
aid: accountId,
src: sourceId,
acc: [].concat(access),
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.addResourceAccess: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "addResourceAccess"));
* Permanently deletes a resource.
* @param {string} resourceId - the id of the resource to delete. Requires write permission
* to the resource.
deleteResource(resourceId) {
const request =, "resource/delete", {id: resourceId});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.deleteResource: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "deleteResource"));
* Permanently deletes a list of resources.
* Will fail **all** deletes if any of the permission checks fail.
* @param {Resource[]} resourceList - The list of resources to delete. Note only the `id` property of each
* resource is required.
* @return {CommandResult}
deleteManyResources(resourceIdList) {
const request =, "resource/deleteMany", {payload: resourceIdList});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.deleteManyResources: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "deleteManyResources"));
* Upload a file to a resource.
* @param {string} resourceId - The id of the destination resource.
* @param {object} file - The file to upload, obtained from an `<input type="file">` element.
* @param {boolean} [stream=false] - Flag indicating whether the call should return a stream allowing
* callees to monitor progress.
* @param {boolean} [compressed=false] - Flag indicating the file should be decompressed after upload. ZIP format
* only.
* @param {boolean} [base64Encoded=false] = Flag indicating the file should be decoded from base64 after upload.
fileUpload(resourceId, file, stream, compressed = false, base64Encoded = false) {
const request =, resourceId, compressed, base64Encoded, file);
const response =, request).catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.fileUpload: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
if (stream) {
return response;
} else {
return response.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "fileUpload"));
* Move resource from one folder to another. Requires write permission on the resource, the
* source parent and the target parent resources.
* @param {string} id - the id of the resource to move.
* @param {string} fromParentId - the current parent resource to move from.
* @param {string} toParentId - the target folder resource to move to.
moveResource(id, fromParentId, toParentId) {
const request =, "resource/move", {id, fromParentId, toParentId});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.moveResource: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "moveResource"));
* Resets the resource index. This involves deleting existing indexes and rebuilding them. May take
* a while depending on the size of any associated dataset and the number and complexity of indexes.
* @param {string} resourceId - the id of the resource, requires write permission.
rebuildResourceIndex(resourceId) {
const request =, "resource/index/rebuild", {id: resourceId});
let result;
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.rebuildResourceIndex: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "rebuildIndex"))
.then((res) => {
result = res;
return,, "built");
.then(() => {
return result;
* Removes access for an account to a resource. Permission is required
* equivalent to that which is being added, e.g. adding write permission requires existing
* write access.
* @param {string} resourceId - The resource id.
* @param {string} accountId - The account id to remove access from.
* @param {string} addedBy - The full `by` path of the permission to be removed.
* @param {string} sourceId - The source of the access, usually the resource itself.
* @param {string[]} access - The access, one or more of [`"r"`, `"w"`].
* @example <caption>usage</caption>
* // Removes read access for account "" added by
* // Toby via ",".
* tdxApi.removeResourceAccess(
* "rJg9ldNEwD",
* "",
* ",",
* "rJg9ldNEwD",
* ["r"]
* );
removeResourceAccess(resourceId, accountId, addedBy, sourceId, access) {
const request =, "resourceAccess/delete", {
rid: resourceId,
aid: accountId,
by: addedBy,
src: sourceId,
acc: access,
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.removeResourceAccess: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "removeResourceAccess"));
* Set the resource import flag.
* @param {string} resourceId - The id of the dataset-based resource.
* @param {boolean} importing - Indicates the state of the import flag.
* @return {CommandResult}
setResourceImporting(resourceId, importing) {
const request =, "resource/importing", {id: resourceId, importing});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.setResourceImporting: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "setResourceImporting"));
* Set the resource schema.
* @param {string} resourceId - The id of the dataset-based resource.
* @param {object} schema - The new schema definition. TODO - document
* @return {CommandResult}
setResourceSchema(resourceId, schema) {
const request =, "resource/schema/set", {id: resourceId, schema});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.setResourceSchema: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "setResourceSchema"));
* Set the share mode for a resource.
* @param {string} resourceId - The resource id.
* @param {string} shareMode - The share mode to set, one or [`"pw"`, `"pr"`, `"tr"`] corresponding to
* 'public read/write', 'public read, trusted write', 'trusted only'.
setResourceShareMode(resourceId, shareMode) {
const request =, "resource/setShareMode", {id: resourceId, shareMode});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.setResourceShareMode: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "setResourceShareMode"));
* Sets the permissive share mode of the resource. Permissive share allows anybody with acces to the resource
* to share it with others. If a resource is not in permissive share mode, only the resource owner
* can share it with others.
* @param {string} resourceId - The resource id.
* @param {boolean} allowPermissive - The required permissive share mode.
setResourcePermissiveShare(resourceId, allowPermissive) {
const request =, "resource/setPermissiveShare", {
id: resourceId,
permissiveShare: allowPermissive ? "r" : "",
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.setResourcePermissiveShare: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "setResourcePermissiveShare"));
* Sets the dataset store of the resource. Reserved for system use.
* @param {string} resourceId - The resource id.
* @param {string} store - The name of the store.
* @param {number} [storeSize] - The size in bytes of the store.
setResourceStore(resourceId, store, storeSize) {
const request =, "resource/store/set", {
id: resourceId,
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.setResourceStore: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "setResourceStore"));
* Set the text for a text-content based resource.
* @param {string} resourceId - The resource id.
* @param {string} textContent - The text content to set.
* @example <caption>usage</caption>
* // Sets the text content for a text-html resource.
* tdxApi.setResourceTextContent(
* "HyeqJgVdJ7",
* "<html><body><p>Hello World</p></body></html>"
* );
setResourceTextContent(resourceId, textContent) {
const request =, "resource/textContent/set", {id: resourceId, textContent});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.setResourceTextContent: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "setResourceTextContent"));
* Suspends the resource index. This involves deleting any existing indexes. Requires write permission. When
* a resource index is in `suspended` status, it is not possible to run any queries or updates against
* the resource.
* @param {string} resourceId - the id of the resource. Requires write permission.
suspendResourceIndex(resourceId) {
const request =, "resource/index/suspend", {id: resourceId});
let result;
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.suspendResourceIndex: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "suspendIndex"))
.then((res) => {
result = res;
return,, "suspended");
.then(() => {
return result;
* Removes all data from the resource. Applicable to dataset-based resources only. This can not be
* undone.
* @param {string} resourceId - The resource id to truncate.
truncateResource(resourceId) {
const request =, "resource/truncate", {id: resourceId});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.truncateResource: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "truncateResource"));
* Modify one or more of the meta data associated with the resource.
* @param {string} resourceId - id of the resource to update
* @param {object} update - object containing the properties to update. Can be one or more of those
* listed below. See the {@link TDXApi#addResource} method for semantics and syntax of each property.
* @param {string} [update.derived]
* @param {string} [update.description]
* @param {object} [update.meta]
* @param {string} []
* @param {boolean} [update.overwrite] - set this flag to overwrite existing data rather than merging (default). This
* currently only applies to the `meta` property.
* @param {string} [update.provenance]
* @param {string} [update.queryProxy]
* @param {array} [update.tags]
* @param {string} [update.textContent] see also {@link TDXApi#setResourceTextContent}
updateResource(resourceId, update) {
const request =, "resource/update", Object.assign({id: resourceId}, update));
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.updateResource: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "updateResource"));
* Add data to a dataset resource.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource to add data to.
* @param {object|array} data - The data to add. Must conform to the schema defined by the resource metadata.
* @param {boolean} [doNotThrow=false] - set to override default error handling. See {@link TDXApi}.
* Supports creating an individual document or many documents.
* @example <caption>create an individual document</caption>
* // Assumes the dataset primary key is 'lsoa'
* tdxApi.addData(myDatasetId, {lsoa: "E0000001", count: 398});
* @example <caption>create multiple documents</caption>
* tdxApi.addData(myDatasetId, [
* {lsoa: "E0000001", count: 398},
* {lsoa: "E0000002", count: 1775},
* {lsoa: "E0000005", count: 4533},
* ]);
addData(datasetId, data, doNotThrow) {
const postData = {
payload: [].concat(data),
const request =, "dataset/data/createMany", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.addData: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "addData", doNotThrow));
* Deletes data from a dataset-based resource.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource to delete data from.
* @param {object|array} data - The primary key data to delete.
* @param {boolean} [doNotThrow=false] - set to override default error handling. See {@link TDXApi}.
deleteData(datasetId, data, doNotThrow) {
const postData = {
payload: [].concat(data),
const request =, "dataset/data/deleteMany", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.deleteData: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "deleteData", doNotThrow));
* Deletes data from a dataset-based resource using a query to specify the documents to be deleted.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource to delete data from.
* @param {object} query - The query that specifies the data to delete. All documents matching the
* query will be deleted.
* @param {boolean} [doNotThrow=false] - set to override default error handling. See {@link TDXApi}.
* @example
* // Delete all documents with English lsoa.
* tdxApi.deleteDataByQuery(myDatasetId, {lsoa: {$regex: "E*"}});
deleteDataByQuery(datasetId, query, doNotThrow) {
const postData = {
query: JSON.stringify(query),
const request =, "dataset/data/deleteQuery", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.deleteDataByQuery: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "deleteDataByQuery", doNotThrow));
* Patches data in a dataset resource. Uses the [JSON patch]( format,
* which involves defining the primary key data followed by a flexible update specification.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource to update.
* @param {object} data - The patch definition.
* @param {object|array} data.__update - An array of JSON patch specifications.
* @param {boolean} [doNotThrow=false] - set to override default error handling. See {@link TDXApi}.
* @example <caption>patch a single value in a single document</caption>
* tdxApi.patchData(myDatasetId, {lsoa: "E000001", __update: [{path: "/count", op: "replace", value: 948}]});
* @example <caption>patch a more than one value in a single document</caption>
* tdxApi.patchData(myDatasetId, {lsoa: "E000001", __update: [
* {path: "/count", op: "replace", value: 948}
* {path: "/modified", op: "add", value:}
* ]});
patchData(datasetId, data, doNotThrow) {
const postData = {
payload: [].concat(data),
const request =, "dataset/data/patchMany", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.patchData: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "patchData", doNotThrow));
* Updates data in a dataset resource.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource to update.
* @param {object|array} data - The data to update. Must conform to the schema defined by the resource metadata.
* Supports updating individual or multiple documents.
* @param {boolean} [upsert=false] - Indicates the data should be created if no document is found matching the
* primary key.
* @param {boolean} [doNotThrow=false] - set to override default error handling. See {@link TDXApi}.
* @param {object} [opts] - reserved for system use.
* @return {CommandResult} - Use the result property to check for errors.
* @example <caption>update an existing document</caption>
* tdxApi.updateData(myDatasetId, {lsoa: "E000001", count: 488});
* @example <caption>upsert a document</caption>
* // Will create a document if no data exists matching key 'lsoa': "E000004"
* tdxApi.updateData(myDatasetId, {lsoa: "E000004", count: 288}, true);
updateData(datasetId, data, upsert, doNotThrow, opts) {
const postData = {
payload: [].concat(data),
__upsert: !!upsert,
__opts: opts,
const request =, "dataset/data/updateMany", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.updateData: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "updateData", doNotThrow));
* Updates data in a dataset-based resource using a query to specify the documents to be updated.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource to update data in.
* @param {object} query - The query that specifies the data to update. All documents matching the
* @param {boolean} [doNotThrow=false] - set to override default error handling. See {@link TDXApi}.
* query will be updated.
* @example
* // Update all documents with English lsoa, setting `count` to 1000.
* tdxApi.updateDataByQuery(myDatasetId, {lsoa: {$regex: "E*"}}, {count: 1000});
updateDataByQuery(datasetId, query, update, doNotThrow) {
const postData = {
query: JSON.stringify(query),
const request =, "dataset/data/updateQuery", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.updateDataByQuery: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "updateDataByQuery", doNotThrow));
* Deletes one or more hosts, depending on the given parameters. E.g. if just a `hostId` is given, all hosts
* will be deleted with that id. If an ip address is also given, all hosts with the id on that ip address will
* be deleted and so on. Note that hosts can only be deleted if they are in the `offline` status.
* @param {object} payload - The definition of the host(s) to delete. Can be an array of objects or a single object
* @param {string} payload.hostId - The id of the hosts to be deleted.
* @param {string} [payload.hostIp] - The optional ip of the hosts to be deleted.
* @param {number} [payload.hostPort] - The optional port number of the host to be deleted.
deleteDatabotHost(payload) {
const postData = {
const request =, "databot/host/delete", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.deleteDatabotHost: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "deleteDatabotHost"));
* Deletes a databot instance and all output/debug data associated with it.
* @param {string[]} instanceId - The id(s) of the instances to delete. Can be an array of instance ids or an
* individual string id
deleteDatabotInstance(instanceId) {
const postData = {
instanceId: [].concat(instanceId),
const request =, "databot/deleteInstance", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.deleteDatabotInstance: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "deleteDatabotInstance"));
* Gets databot instance data for the given instance id.
* @param {string} instanceId - The id of the instance to retrieve.
getDatabotInstance(instanceId) {
const request =, instanceId);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getDatabotInstance: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getDatabotInstance"));
* Get databot instance output.
* @param {string} instanceId - The instance id to retrieve output for.
* @param {string} [processId] - Optional process id. If omitted, output for all instance processes will be returned.
getDatabotInstanceOutput(instanceId, processId) {
const request =, `output/${instanceId}/${processId || ""}`);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getDatabotInstanceOutput: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getDatabotInstanceOutput"));
* Get databot instance status.
* @param {string} instanceId - The id of the databot instance for which status is retrieved.
getDatabotInstanceStatus(instanceId) {
const request =, `status/${instanceId}`);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getDatabotInstanceStatus: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getDatabotInstanceStatus"));
* Registers a databot host with the TDX. Once registered, a host is eligible to receive commands from the TDX.
* @param {object} payload - The databot host identifier payload.
* @param {number} payload.port - the port number the host is listening on.
* @param {string} payload.version - the databot host software version.
* @param {string} payload.hostStatus - the current status of the host, "idle" or "busy".
* @param {string} [payload.ip] - optional ip address of the host. Usually the TDX can deduce this from the incoming
* request.
* @example <caption>register a databot host</caption>
* tdxApi.registerDatabotHost({version: "0.3.11", port: 2312, hostStatus: "idle"});
registerDatabotHost(payload) {
const request =, "register", payload);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.registerDatabotHost: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "registerDatabotHost"));
* Sends a command to a databot host. Reserved for system use.
* @param {string} command - The command to send. Must be one of ["stopHost", "updateHost", "runInstance",
* "stopInstance", "clearInstance"]
* @param {string} hostId - The id of the host.
* @param {string} [hostIp] - The ip address of the host. If omitted, the command will be sent to all
* host ip addresses.
* @param {number} [hostPort] - The port number of the host. If omitted, the command will be sent to
* all host ports.
* @param {object} [payload] - The command payload.
sendDatabotHostCommand(command, hostId, hostIp, hostPort, payload) {
const postData = {
const request =, "databot/host/command", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.sendDatabotHostCommand: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "sendDatabotHostCommand"));
* Starts a databot instance.
* @param {string} databotId - The id of the databot definition to start.
* @param {object} payload - The instance input and parameters.
* @param {string} [] - The id to assign to the new instance. This will be auto-generated if omitted.
* If there is an existing instance with this id the `overwriteExisting` flag must be set (see below).
* @param {number} [payload.authTokenTTL] - The time-to-live to use when creating the auth token, in seconds.
* Will default to the TDX-configured default if not given (usually 1 hour).
* @param {number} [payload.chunks=1] - The number of processes to instantiate. Each will be given the same input
* data, with only the chunk number varying.
* @param {boolean} [payload.debugMode=false] - Flag indicating this instance should be run in debug mode, meaning
* all debug output will be captured and stored on the TDX. n.b. setting this will also restrict the hosts available
* to run the instance to those that are willing to run in debug mode.
* @param {string} [payload.description] - The description for this instance.
* @param {object} [payload.inputs] - The input data. A free-form object that should conform to the
* specification in the associated databot definition.
* @param {string} [] - The name to associate with this instance, e.g. "Male population
* projection 2017"
* @param {boolean} [payload.overwriteExisting] - Set to allow existing instances to be overwritten (see the `id`
* property above). Note it is not possible to overwrite a running instance.
* @param {number} [payload.priority] - The priority to assign this instance. Reserved for system use.
* @param {string} payload.shareKeyId - The share key to run the databot under.
* @param {string} [payload.shareKeySecret] - The secret of the share key. Ignored if the share key id refers to a
* user-based account.
startDatabotInstance(databotId, payload) {
const postData = {
instanceData: payload,
const request =, "databot/startInstance", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.startDatabotInstance: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "startDatabotInstance"));
* Aborts a running databot instance.
* @param {string} instanceId - The id of the instance to abort.
abortDatabotInstance(instanceId) {
const postData = {
const request =, "databot/abortInstance", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.abortDatabotInstance: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "abortDatabotInstance"));
* Terminates or pauses a running databot instance.
* @param {string} instanceId - The id of the instance to terminate or pause.
* @param {string} mode - One of [`"stop"`, `"pause"`, `"resume"`]
stopDatabotInstance(instanceId, mode) {
const postData = {
const request =, "databot/stopInstance", postData);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.stopDatabotInstance: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "stopDatabotInstance"));
* Updates a databot host status.
* n.b. the response to this request will contain any commands from the TDX that the host should action (
* [see commands](
* @param {object} payload - The databot host status payload.
* @param {number} payload.port - The port number on which the host is listening.
* @param {string} payload.hostStatus - The current host status, either "idle" or "busy".
* @param {string} [payload.ip] - optional ip address of the host. Usually the TDX can deduce this from the incoming
* request.
* @example <caption>update databot host status</caption>
* tdxApi.updateDatabotHostStatus({port: 2312, hostStatus: "idle"});
updateDatabotHostStatus(payload) {
const request =, "status", payload);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.updateDatabotHostStatus: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "updateDatabotHostStatus"));
* Stores databot instance output on the TDX.
* @param {object} output - The output payload for the databot instance.
writeDatabotHostInstanceOutput(output) {
const request =, "output", output);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.writeDatabotHostInstanceOutput: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "writeDatabotHostInstanceOutput"));
* Adds a zone connection to a remote TDX. The details for the connection should be retrieved by a call to the
* certificate endpoint for the TDX, e.g.
* @param {object} options - The zone connection details
* @param {string} options.owner - The owner of the zone connection. Must be the same as the authenticated account.
* @param {string} options.tdxServer - The URL of the target TDX auth server, e.g.
* @param {string} [options.commandServer] - The URL of the target TDX command server, e.g.
* @param {string} [options.queryServer] - The URL of the target TDX query server, e.g.
* @param {string} [options.ddpServer] - The URL of the target TDX ddp server, e.g.
* @param {string} [options.databotServer] - The URL of the target TDX databot server,
* e.g.
* @param {string} [options.displayName] - The friendly name of the TDX.
addZoneConnection(options) {
const request =, "zoneConnection/create", options);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.addZoneConnection: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "addZoneConnection"));
* Deletes a zone connection. The authenticated account must own the zone connection.
* @param {string} id - The id of the zone connection to delete.
deleteZoneConnection(id) {
const request =, "zoneConnection/delete", {id});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.deleteZoneConnection: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "deleteZoneConnection"));
rollbackCommand(id) {
const request =, "rollback", {id});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.rollbackCommand: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "rollbackCommand"));
* Creates a client user token (e.g. bound to the browser IP) for an application-user token bound to the
* given IP or the currently authenticated token IP. The currently authenticated token ***must*** be an application
* token, whereby the application has been authorised by the user and the user has permission to access the
* application. The returned token will be bound to the given IP or the IP of the currently authenticated token
* (i.e the application server IP).
* @param {string} username - The users' TDX id.
* @param {string} [ip] - The optional IP address to bind the user token to.
* @param {number} [ttl] - The ttl in seconds.
* @return {object} - The new application-user token, bound to the given IP.
* @example <caption>create token bound to server ip with default TDX ttl</caption>
* tdxApi.createTDXToken("");
* @example <caption>create for specific IP</caption>
* tdxApi.createTDXToken("", newClientIP);
createTDXToken(username, ip, ttl) {
const request =, "token/create", {username, ip, ttl});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.createTDXToken: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "createTDXToken"));
* Exchanges a client user token (e.g. bound to the browser IP) for an application-user token bound to the
* given IP or the currently authenticated token IP. The currently authenticated token ***must*** be an application
* token, whereby the application has been authorised by the user and the user has permission to access the
* application. The returned token will be bound to the given IP or the IP of the currently authenticated token
* (i.e the application server IP).
* @param {string} token - The users' TDX auth server token to validate.
* @param {string} [validateIP] - The optional IP address to validate the user token against.
* @param {string} [exchangeIP] - The optional IP address to bind the new token to.
* @param {number} [ttl] - The ttl in seconds.
* @return {object} - The new token application-user token, bound to the server IP.
* @example <caption>validate against current IP</caption>
* tdxApi.exchangeTDXToken(clientToken);
* @example <caption>validate against different IP</caption>
* tdxApi.exchangeTDXToken(clientToken, newClientIP);
* @example <caption>validate against current IP, bind to a new IP</caption>
* tdxApi.exchangeTDXToken(clientToken, null, serverIP);
exchangeTDXToken(token, validateIP, exchangeIP, ttl) {
const request =, "token/exchange", {token, ip: validateIP, exchangeIP, ttl});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.exchangeTDXToken: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "exchangeTDXToken"));
* Streams the contents of a resource. For dataset-based resources this will stream the dataset contents in newline
* delimited JSON (NDJSON). For raw file resources this will stream the raw file contents (zip, raw JSON etc).
* @param {string} resourceId - The id of the resource to be downloaded.
* @return {object} - Response object, where the response body is a stream object.
downloadResource(resourceId) {
const request =, `resources/${resourceId}/download`);
return, request).catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.downloadResource: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
* Gets the details for a given account id.
* @param {string} accountId - the id of the account to be retrieved.
* @return {Zone} zone
getAccount(accountId) {
const request =, "accounts", {username: accountId});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getAccount: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getAccount"))
.then((accountList) => {
return accountList && accountList.length ? accountList[0] : null;
* Gets the details for all peer accounts.
* @param {object} filter - query filter.
* @param {string} filter.accountType - the account type to filter by, e.g. "user", "token", "host" etc.
* @return {Zone[]} zone
* @example <caption>Get all databots owned by bob</caption>
* api.getAccounts({accountType: "host", own: ""})
getAccounts(filter) {
const request =, "accounts", filter);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getAccounts: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getAccounts"));
* Performs an aggregate query on the given dataset resource, returning a response object with stream in the body
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource to perform the aggregate query on.
* @param {object|string} pipeline - The aggregate pipeline, as defined in the
* [mongodb docs]( Can be given as a JSON object or as a stringified
* JSON object.
* @param {boolean} [ndJSON] - If set, the data is sent in [newline delimited json format](
* @return {object} - Response object, where the response body is a stream object.
getAggregateDataStream(datasetId, pipeline, ndJSON) {
// Convert pipeline to string if necessary.
if (pipeline && typeof pipeline === "object") {
pipeline = JSON.stringify(pipeline);
} else {
// Decode client-provided string to avoid possible double-encoding.
pipeline = decodeURIComponent(pipeline);
pipeline = encodeURIComponent(pipeline);
const endpoint = `resources/${datasetId}/${ndJSON ? "ndaggregate" : "aggregate"}?pipeline=${pipeline}`;
const request =, endpoint);
return, request).catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getAggregateData: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
* Performs an aggregate query on the given dataset resource.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource to perform the aggregate query on.
* @param {object|string} pipeline - The aggregate pipeline, as defined in the
* [mongodb docs]( Can be given as a JSON object or as a stringified
* JSON object.
* @param {boolean} [ndJSON] - If set, the data is sent in [newline delimited json format](
* @return {DatasetData}
getAggregateData(datasetId, pipeline, ndJSON) {
return this.getAggregateDataStream(datasetId, pipeline, ndJSON).then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getAggregateData"));
* Gets details of the currently authenticated account.
* @return {object} - Details of the authenticated account.
getAuthenticatedAccount() {
const request =, "auth-account");
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getAuthenticatedAccount: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getAuthenticatedAccount"));
* Gets all data from the given dataset resource that matches the filter provided and returns a response object with
* stream in the body.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource.
* @param {object} [filter] - A mongodb filter object. If omitted, all data will be retrieved.
* @param {object} [projection] - A mongodb projection object. Should be used to restrict the payload to the
* minimum properties needed if a lot of data is being retrieved.
* @param {GetDataOptions} [options] - A mongodb options object. Can be used to limit, skip, sort etc. Note a default
* `limit` of 1000 is applied if none is given here.
* @param {boolean} [ndJSON] - If set, the data is sent in [newline delimited json format](
* @return {object} - Response object, where the response body is a stream object.
getDataStream(datasetId, filter, projection, options, ndJSON) {
const endpoint = `resources/${datasetId}/${ndJSON ? "nddata" : "data"}`;
const request =, endpoint, filter, projection, options);
return, request).catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getDataStream: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
* For structured resources, e.g. datasets, this function gets all data from the given dataset resource that
* matches the filter provided.
* For non-structured resources such as text-content or raw files etc only the `datasetId` argument is relevant
* and this method is equivalent to `downloadResource`.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource.
* @param {object} [filter] - A mongodb filter object. If omitted, all data will be retrieved.
* @param {object} [projection] - A mongodb projection object. Should be used to restrict the payload to the
* minimum properties needed if a lot of data is being retrieved.
* @param {GetDataOptions} [options] - A mongodb options object. Can be used to limit, skip, sort etc. Note a default
* `limit` of 1000 is applied if none is given here.
* @param {boolean} [ndJSON] - If set, the data is sent in [newline delimited json format](
* @return {DatasetData}
getData(datasetId, filter, projection, options, ndJSON) {
return this.getDataStream(datasetId, filter, projection, options, ndJSON).then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getData"));
* Sugar for newline delimited data. See `getData` for details.
getNDData(datasetId, filter, projection, options) {
return this.getDataStream(datasetId, filter, projection, options, true).then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getNDData"));
* @deprecated use {@link TDXApi#getDataStream}
* Gets all data from the given dataset resource that matches the filter provided and returns a response object with
* stream in the body.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource.
* @param {object} [filter] - A mongodb filter object. If omitted, all data will be retrieved.
* @param {object} [projection] - A mongodb projection object. Should be used to restrict the payload to the
* minimum properties needed if a lot of data is being retrieved.
* @param {GetDataOptions} [options] - A mongodb options object. Can be used to limit, skip, sort etc. Note a default
* `limit` of 1000 is applied if none is given here.
* @param {boolean} [ndJSON] - If set, the data is sent in [newline delimited json format](
* @return {object} - Response object, where the response body is a stream object.
getDatasetDataStream(datasetId, filter, projection, options, ndJSON) {
return this.getDataStream(datasetId, filter, projection, options, ndJSON);
* @deprecated use {@link TDXApi#getData}
* Gets all data from the given dataset resource that matches the filter provided.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource.
* @param {object} [filter] - A mongodb filter object. If omitted, all data will be retrieved.
* @param {object} [projection] - A mongodb projection object. Should be used to restrict the payload to the
* minimum properties needed if a lot of data is being retrieved.
* @param {GetDataOptions} [options] - A mongodb options object. Can be used to limit, skip, sort etc. Note a default
* `limit` of 1000 is applied if none is given here.
* @param {boolean} [ndJSON] - If set, the data is sent in [newline delimited json format](
* @return {DatasetData}
getDatasetData(datasetId, filter, projection, options, ndJSON) {
return this.getData(datasetId, filter, projection, options, ndJSON);
* Gets a count of the data in a dataset-based resource, after applying the given filter.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource.
* @param {object} [filter] - An optional mongodb filter to apply before counting the data.
getDataCount(datasetId, filter) {
const request =, `resources/${datasetId}/count`, filter);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getDataCount: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getDataCount"));
* @deprecated use {@link TDXApi#getDataCount}
* Gets a count of the data in a dataset-based resource, after applying the given filter.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource.
* @param {object} [filter] - An optional mongodb filter to apply before counting the data.
getDatasetDataCount(datasetId, filter) {
return this.getDataCount(datasetId, filter);
* Gets a list of distinct values for a given property in a dataset-based resource.
* @param {string} datasetId - The id of the dataset-based resource.
* @param {string} key - The name of the property to use. Can be a property path, e.g. `"address.postcode"`.
* @param {object} [filter] - An optional mongodb filter to apply.
* @return {object[]} - The distinct values.
getDistinct(datasetId, key, filter, projection, options) {
const request =
); // eslint-disable-line max-len
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getDistinct: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getDistinct"));
* Gets the details for a given resource id.
* @param {string} resourceId - The id of the resource to retrieve.
* @param {boolean} [noThrow=false] - If set, the call won't reject or throw if the resource doesn't exist.
* @return {Resource}
* @exception Will throw if the resource is not found (see `noThrow` flag) or permission is denied.
* @example
* api.getResource(myResourceId)
* .then((resource) => {
* console.log(;
* });
getResource(resourceId, noThrow) {
const request =, `resources/${resourceId}`);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getResource: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then((response) => {
if (noThrow) {
// If noThrow specified, return null if there is an error fetching the resource, rather than throwing.
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
} else if (response.status === 404) {
return null;
} else {
return, "getResource", response);
} else {
return, "getResource", response);
* Gets all access the authenticated account has to the given resource id.
* @param {string} resourceId - The id of the resource whose access is to be retrieved.
* @return {ResourceAccess[]} - Array of ResourceAccess objects.
* @example
* api.getResourceAccess(myResourceId)
* .then((resourceAccess) => {
* console.log("length of access list: ", resourceAccess.length);
* });
getResourceAccess(resourceId, filter, projection, options) {
const request =, `resources/${resourceId}/access`, filter, projection, options);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getResourceAccess: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then((response) => {
return, "getResourceAccess", response);
* Gets all resources that are ancestors of the given resource.
* @param {string} resourceId - The id of the resource whose parents are to be retrieved.
* @return {Resource[]}
getResourceAncestors(resourceId) {
const request =, `resources/${resourceId}/ancestors`);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getDatasetAncestors: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getResourceAncestors"));
* Gets the details of all resources that match the given filter.
* @param {object} [filter] - A mongodb filter definition. Note, filtering on `id` is restricted to an explicit
* string match or a `$in` clause to match against a list of ids.
* @param {object} [projection] - A mongodb projection definition, can be used to restrict which properties are
* returned thereby limiting the payload.
* @param {object} [options] - A mongodb options definition, can be used for limit, skip, sorting etc.
* @return {Resource[]}
* @example <caption>filtering by explicit id</caption>
* tdxApi.getResources({"id": "rygq8DNEPw"});
* @example <caption>filtering by set of ids</caption>
* tdxApi.getResources({"id": {"$in": ["rygq8DNEPw", "xmm1z-D8d"]}});
* @example <caption>filtering by name</caption>
* tdxApi.getResources({"name": {"$regex": "test"}});
* @example <caption>filtering by name, returning only id and name</caption>
* tdxApi.getResources({"name": {"$regex": "test"}}, {"id": 1, "name": 1});
getResources(filter, projection, options) {
const request =, "resources", filter, projection, options);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getResource: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getResources"));
* Retrieves all resources that have an immediate ancestor of the given schema id.
* @param {string} schemaId - The id of the schema to match, e.g. `"geojson"`.
* @return {Resource[]}
getResourcesWithSchema(schemaId) {
const filter = {"schemaDefinition.parent": schemaId};
return this.getResources(filter);
* Retrieves an authorisation token for the given TDX instance
* @param {string} tdx - The TDX instance name, e.g. `""`.
* @return {string}
getTDXToken(tdx) {
const request =, `tdx-token/${tdx}`);
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.getTDXToken: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "getTDXToken"));
* Gets the details for a given zone (account) id.
* @param {string} accountId - the id of the zone to be retrieved.
* @return {Zone} zone
getZone(accountId) {
return this.getAccount(accountId);
* Determines if the given account is a member of the given group.
* Note that accurate visibility of group members requires one or more of the
* following to be true:
* - the authenticated account added `accountId` to the group
* - the authenticated account owns the group
* @param {string} accountId - the id of the account
* @param {*} groupId - the id of the group
* @return {boolean} - `true` if `accountId` is a member of the group and visible to the authenticated account.
isInGroup(accountId, groupId) {
const lookup = {
aid: accountId,
"r.0": {$exists: true},
grp: "m",
return this.getResourceAccess(groupId, lookup).then((access) => {
return !!access.length;
* Validates the given token was signed by this TDX, and returns the decoded token data.
* @param {string} token - The TDX auth server token to validate.
* @param {string} [ip] - The optional IP address to validate against.
* @return {object} - The decoded token data.
validateTDXToken(token, ip) {
const request =, "token/validate", {token, ip});
return fetch
.call(this, request)
.catch((err) => {
errLog("TDXApi.validateTDXToken: %s", err.message);
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${err.message} - [network error]`));
.then(checkResponse.bind(this, "validateTDXToken"));
export default TDXApi;